Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide+

Commonly known as NAD+




NAD+  is sometimes called a “helper molecule”.  NAD+ is found in every cell in your body and is essential for creating cellular energy and maintaining cellular health. NAD+ enhances cellular energy production in the mitochondria. In other words it helps each and every cell to work better.  What happens in your cells makes a huge difference in how you look and feel. The list of physical benefits from NAD+ therapy is long, and any one of these improvements can change your life for the better.

Physical benefits of NAD+ therapy

· Improves cardiovascular health · Slows the aging process

· Boosts energy · Protects nerves

· Increases metabolism· Assists weight loss

· Reduces inflammation · Speeds recovery from injury

· Diminishes cravings for harmful substances · Mitigates withdrawal symptoms

Clearly, the benefits of NAD+;./ therapy stand to dramatically improve your overall health and well-being, and even improve the symptoms of some serious illnesses.

Mental benefits of NAD+ therapy

One of the characteristic signs of aging is loss of cognitive function. You tend to forget things, have trouble concentrating, and feel like your brain is cloudy or foggy. NAD therapy replaces the coenzyme needed to slow or stop the progression of this decline. You’ll have:

· Increased mental clarity· Better memory

· High concentration· Improved mood

· Better problem-solving skills

The boost in brain function you get from NAD therapy can even help you battle chronic mental struggles like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Zieber and find out how NAD+ can change your life!

Recommended Dosing: Loading doses 100mg NAD+ IM once per week for 4 weeks, then 50mg NAD+ IM for maintenance or 250mg IV monthly.

NAD +Pricing

50mg IM Injection: $50 Single or Package of 8 $360

100mg IM Injection: $100 Single or Package of 4 $360

250Mg IV: $500 (IV appointment time is a minimum of 2 hours)

Call and schedule your appointment today!